| Panel to Study Lightweight Bale Occurrence 09/09/2002 NCC Chairman Kenneth Hood and Memphis Cotton Exchange (MCE) President Danny Lyons announced plans for the appointment of a special joint committee to study all aspects of lightweight bale occurrences. |
 | 2002-2003 Cotton Leadership Class Chosen 08/09/2002 The 10-member 2002-2003 cotton leadership class has been selected by the National Cotton Council’s Cotton Leadership Development Committee |  | “In Harmony – Research, Resources, Results” Is Beltwide Theme 08/09/2002 “In Harmony – Research, Resources, Results” is the theme of the 2003 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Jan. 6-10, in Nashville at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, formerly the Opryland Hotel Nashville. |  | Committee Delays Formal Action on Disaster Assistance 08/02/2002 The Senate Agriculture Committee took no formal action in a meeting to review disaster assistance legislation (S. 2800, Emergency Agricultural Act of ’02) introduced by Sens. Baucus (D-MT), Burns (R-MT), Daschle (D-SD) and Johnson (D-SD). Committee members acknowledged that disaster assistance would be considered when Congress returns in September. |
 | NCC Pleased with Farm Bill Agreement, Urges Swift Approval 04/26/2002 The National Cotton Council said its members are pleased that a framework agreement has been reached by House and Senate conferees on new farm legislation that can become effective in 2002. |  | NCC Commends House Conferees’ Farm Bill Proposal and Urges Timely Acceptance by Senate Leadership 04/18/2002 The National Cotton Council declared its appreciation for the House conferees’ “extraordinary efforts” to reach agreement on U.S. farm policy and called for Senate acceptance so 2002 crop year implementation can be achieved. In a letter to House Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry Combest (R-TX), NCC Chairman Kenneth Hood said the package proposed today by House conferees “reflects a continuing commitment to develop new farm policy that addresses the critical problems facing U.S. production agriculture. |  | EPA Completes Bidrin Reassessment 04/05/2002 EPA establishes mitigation measures for Bidrin. |
 | U.S. Cotton Encouraged By Conferees’ Farm Bill Budget Allocation 03/20/2002 NCC Chairman Kenneth Hood said the U.S. cotton industry is pleased that the House/Senate Farm Bill Conferees reached an agreement on the budget allocation between the commodity titles and will continue to press for industry priorities in the final package. |  | NCC Welcomes Texas Senate Members’ Action 03/18/2002 A Senate delegation registered its opposition to the controversial Grassley-Dorgan amendment that would limit benefits to farmers as the House and Senate conference committee began debating new farm legislation. |  | NCC Welcomes Louisiana House Members’ Action 03/18/2002 Recent action taken by members of Louisiana’s Congressional delegation drew the full support of the National Cotton Council. |  | U.S. Cotton Industry Concerned about Brazilian Petition 03/14/2002 The Brazilian government’s consideration of leveling countervailing or anti-dumping duties on U.S. cotton is “disappointing and completely inappropriate,” said National Cotton Council (NCC) Chairman Kenneth Hood. |
 | Sykes Martin Honored As Recipient of Cotton Industry Achievement Award 02/11/2002 The late Sykes Martin, an innovative Alabama cotton producer and ginner who demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the U.S. cotton industry during his career, is the recipient of the 2002 Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award. |  | North Carolina Cotton Merchant Recipient of Cotton Service Award 02/11/2002 W. D. “Bill” Lawson, III, a North Carolina cotton merchant and dedicated industry leader, was honored today as the recipient of the 2002 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award for Cotton. |  | Mississippi Producer to Serve as NCC Chairman For 2002 02/11/2002 Kenneth Hood, a Gunnison, MS, cotton producer, was elected as National Cotton Council chairman - the organization’s top position - at the NCC’s annual meeting here today. He served as NCC’s vice chairman during 2001 and succeeds Memphis merchant James E. Echols, who will serve as chairman of the NCC’s Executive Committee this year. |  | Lange, Maguire Are Nominees for NCC’s Top Staff Positions 02/11/2002 The NCC's Operations Committee announced its intent to nominate Dr. Mark Lange to succeed Gaylon Booker as president and chief executive officer and to elevate John Maguire to the position of senior vice president for Washington Operations. |  | National Cotton Council Names 2002 Directors 02/11/2002 NCC directors for 2002 were announced at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting. |  | National Cotton Council 2002 State Unit Officers Named 02/11/2002 State unit officers for the NCC for 2002 were elected here today at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting. |  | Farm Bill Finalization, Favorable Trade Negotiations Are Critical to U.S. Cotton Industry’s Economic Recovery 02/11/2002 NCC Chairman James Echols told the organization's delegates at the annual meeting that U.S. cotton is on the threshold of economic recovery because it will be working under substantially improved farm policy and benefiting from improved retail demand for cotton products. |  | Mark Williams Elected Chairman of ACP 02/11/2002 Mark Williams, a producer from Farwell, TX, was elected chairman of the American Cotton Producers of the National Cotton Council for 2002 during the Council’s Annual Meeting. |  | Jerry Harris of West Texas Honored As Top Ginner By U.S. Ginning Industry 02/09/2002 Jerry Harris, a Lamesa, TX, cotton ginner, and a past president of the National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA), is the recipient of that organization’s 2001 Horace Hayden Cotton Ginner of the Year Award. |  | Restoration of U.S. Cotton’s Health Hinges on U.S. Farm Policy, Trade Agreements, China’s Import Plans 02/09/2002 Even though the NCC has delivered supplemental assistance to growers for the past four years and has addressed the administration of regional textile trade preference agreements to expand opportunities for U.S. textile mills, the U.S. cotton industry remains in peril. |  | Tennessee Merchant Named CCI President for 2002 02/08/2002 William B. Dunavant, III, a merchant from Memphis, TN, was elected president of Cotton Council International for 2002. He was named during CCI’s board meeting, which convened February 8 at the NCC annual meeting in Dallas. |  | NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 14.74 Million Acres of Upland and ELS Cotton in 2002 02/08/2002 During the NCC's Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX, the organization reported its survey results showing that U.S. producers intend to plant 14.74 million acres of upland and ELS cotton in 2002. |  | NCC Disappointed With Senate Action on Payment Limits Amendment 02/08/2002 NCC Chairman James Echols, a Memphis, TN, cotton merchant, said today that the cotton industry was very disappointed with the Senate’s Thursday vote concerning payment limitations. |  | COTTON USA Sourcing Fair Aimed at Increasing U.S. Cotton Yarn, Fabric Sales 02/07/2002 In an effort to increase sales of U.S. cotton yarn and fabric, Cotton Council International (CCI), in conjunction with Cotton Incorporated and the U.S. cotton textile industry, will conduct a COTTON USA Sourcing Fair in San Jose, Costa Rica, Feb. 18-20. |
 | Harvest Management, Boll Weevil Eradication Reference Books Available 01/22/2002 The Cotton Foundation Reference Book Series’ fifth and sixth volumes - which focus on harvest management and boll weevil eradication - are now available for order. |  | Secretary Veneman, Sen. Hutchison, Chairman Combest to Shed Light on Farm Bill Process at NCC Annual Meeting 01/16/2002 NCC delegates will develop policies and programs to help restore profitability to all industry segments at the NCC’s 2002 Annual Meeting, Feb. 7-11, in Dallas, TX. “Policy, Program, Purpose” is the theme of the meeting, which is expected to attract 1,000 leaders from U.S. cotton’s seven segments and industry stakeholders from across the Cotton Belt. |  | NCWC Launches 'Cotton Counts' Program 01/09/2002 The National Cotton Council is launching Cotton Counts, a consumer awareness campaign aimed at improving the understanding of and the attitudes toward U.S. cotton. |  | Arkansas Research Geneticist Receives Cotton Genetics Research Award 01/09/2002 Dr. Freddie M. Bourland, a cotton research geneticist and public cotton breeding program leader, is the recipient of the Cotton Genetics Research Award. |  | Environmental Stewardship a High Priority 01/09/2002 Six farmers who make stewardship of the land an integral part of their farming operations have been named recipients of The Cotton Foundation/Farm Press High Cotton awards for 2002. |  | Bailey Boys Is U.S. Cotton Champion Award Recipient for 2002 01/09/2002 The Bailey Boys, Inc., a nationally-known manufacturer of upscale children’s clothing, is the recipient of the U.S. Cotton Champion Award for 2002. |  | USDA Research Leader John Burke Receives 2002 Cotton Physiology Award 01/09/2002 Dr. John Burke, research leader of the USDA Plant Stress and Germplasm Development Unit, Lubbock, TX, received the 2002 Cotton Physiology Research Award. The announcement was made at the Cotton Physiology Conference in Atlanta. |